Norhan Mohammed

UI/Frontend Developer

I'm UI/Frontend Developer with experience building and maintaining responsive websites since 2015.Proficient in (HTML,CSS ,javaScript, vuejs and nodejs). Experienced in working with multicultural teams and clients. Mentoring, Supporting Entry Level and junior developers

Work Experience

  • senior frontend developer (2/2024 - Present)

    Elaraby Group

    full timeHybrid

    • following Team-level agile approach like Scrum
    • Collaborate with other team members and stakeholders
    • Refactoring Legacy code
  • senior frontend developer (3/2023 - 1/2024)

    Sulfah company (Fintech)

    full timeHybrid

    • following Team-level agile approach like Scrum
    • Collaborate with other team members and stakeholders
    • Refactoring Legacy code
  • senior frontend developer (9/2021 - 3/2023)

    Schoolia company (Education)

    full time remotely

    • Mentoring,Supporting junior developers
    • following Team-level agile approach like Scrum
    • Present Business , Standups, sprint planning, sizing and retrospectives meetings
    • Able to break the larger epics into smaller user stories
    • Daily Scrums - 15-minute meetings
    • Sprint review
  • Mid Level Vue developer (8/2020 - 8/2021)

    Schoolia company (Education)

    part time remotely

    • Assure that all user input is validated before submitting to back-end
    • Collaborate with other team members and stakeholders
    • Mentoring Entry Level developers
    • created a LMS system
    • created a chat and calender apps
  • Senior UI developer (7/2019 - 8/2020)

    Triptab Company (Tourism)

    part time remotely

    • Using laravel Blade reusable components
    • Creating features with API Integration to enhance the user experience
    • following Team-level agile approach like Kanban (“To Do,” “Doing,” and “Done.”)
    • created a stable OTA Online Travel Agency system
    • Increased the agencies to 7
  • Senior UI developer (2/2018 - 4/2018)

    Vutech ITs solutions Company

    full time

    • Using CSS,HTML Preprocessors
    • Building reusable code for future use.
    • created a Car Rent website a Car Rent website
    • Enhance Vullett Website Animations and Responsive
  • mid level UI developer (9/2016 - 2/2017 )

    WSI Digital Marketing Agency

    full time

    • Following SEO best practices.
    • Fixing bugs and testing for usability
  • mid level UI developer (2/2016 - 6/2016 )

    alpha ITs solutions Company

    full time

    • Ensuring user experience determines design choices
    • Optimizing web pages for maximum speed and scalability.
  • UI developer (1/2015 - Present)

    freelancing remotely

    • Working with clients to develop the overall look and design of a website
    • following Waterfall development methodology
    • Determining the structure and design of web pages
    • Ensuring websites are accessible across many platforms, including laptops and smartphones